Understanding Fanned Fret Guitars
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Guitar Scale Length


Guitar Tone Design


History Of Multi-scale


Effects Of String Tension & Mass


Effects Of String Mass


Ergonomics Of Fanned Frets


And More

*Included With Your Luthier’s EDGE membership
The Easy Way To Understand Fanned Fret Guitars
At first glance the fanned fret guitar design can seem confusing or even overwhelming to a luthier. This book is designed to be a simple introduction to the fanned fret guitar and each of the different elements within it’s system, how they work together, and how to use this understanding to design your own fanned fret guitar.

This exclusive ebook also contains an easy to understand look into the important aspects of fanned fret guitars and how they effect the sound and feel of the guitar such as string tension, string mass, string thickness, overtones, and much more.

It even includes a special video on how to choose the right scale lengths for your first fanned fret guitar.

Fanned Fret ebook open pages
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*Included With Your Luthier’s EDGE membership
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