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The Art Of Headstock Binding Luthier Video Course
*Included With Your Luthier’s EDGE membership
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Take Your Headstock Binding Skills To The Next Level

Learn The Techniques Pros Use For Flawless and Consistent Headstock Binding

“Clean and precise binding around the headstock of a guitar is something I have always loved to see. It adds an elegance to the look and feel. It also helps to unify the design visually; tying the binding elements of the headstock to the body bindings.

The problem is that if you don’t do a perfect job of installing the headstock binding, it won’t achieve your goal of making the guitar look more refined and could even make it look worse.
I spent years of trial and error developing and refining my system and approach to binding a guitar headstock with wood.

When I first started, headstock binding was a stressful and hard job that was difficult to get right, but now with the very same technique that I show you in this course, I rest assured knowing that every guitar I make will have flawless binding and I hope you will be able to do the same after taking this course.”
– Tom Bills

Cremona headstock
Course Outline: The Art Of Headstock Binding
AOHB Section1
Headstock Binding Preparation
Achieving flawless headstock binding is not impossible, and in this course, Tom will show you the methods he uses to get great results every time and to make the process less stressful and more fun.
AOHB Section2
Fitting & Installing Purfling
In this section, you will learn Tom’s special system for fitting and apply the purfling around the headstock with less stress and more precision. The purfling is installed separately from the binding in this method and as you will see it give you the opportunity to make it as perfect as you want before adding the outer binding.
AOHB Section 3
Bending & Installing Binding
Bending thicker wood binding can be difficult unless you understand the key points that Tom demonstrates in this section to help you confidently shape the wood binding for a perfect fit.
AOHB Section 4
Advanced Headstock Binding
Not all headstock shapes are created equal. Tom demonstrates his special methods and tricks for getting precision control on tricky inside miters and tight curves.
AOHB Section 5
Advanced Headstock Purfling
Inside miter joints and tighter radius curves don’t have to be intimidating or difficult, Tom walks you step by step through his process for getting perfect miters and clean purfling lines.
AOHB Section 6
Advanced Wood Binding
In this section, Tom shows you his simple system and special tricks while demonstrating and thoroughly explaining how he is able to easily bend solid wood bindings for challenging headstock shapes.

Take Your Headstock Binding Skills To The Next Level

Learn The Techniques Pros Use For Flawless and Consistent Headstock Binding
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Videos Designed For Convenience & Easy Reference
Videos are delivered via our premium online streaming service in HD quality.

Videos are broken in to short bit sized pieces for better retention of material, more convenient viewing and to assist in easier future reference.

No need to scrub though long videos, with just a couple clicks you can find just the information you need and get back crafting your next guitars with flawless headstock.

6 Video Sections

44 HD Videos

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Learn To Master The Art Of Headstock Binding

Online Video Course

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