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How To Make A Fanned Fret Guitar
*Included With Your Luthier’s EDGE membership
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My Story: The Fanned Fret Guitar Breakthrough

“I started building fanned fret guitars because I liked the way they looked and thought the ergonomic benefits were great too, but I never dreamed that in the process I would stumble onto a discovery that would revolutionize my approach to guitar building. That breakthrough discovery came when I realized just how much control I could gain over the tone of my guitars by being able to precisely control the scale lengths for each string.

The experience of building fanned fret guitars caused a serious improvement to all my guitars regardless of design, because it helped me to understand scale length and what was happening inside the string itself on a deeper level than I had in the past.

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My hope is that this course will not only empower and inspire you to design and build your fanned fret guitar, but that this information will have the same deep and transformative effect on you and your guitars as it did on me and mine.” – Tom Bills

Learn How This Course Can Help You Build
Your Own Fanned Fret Guitar!

Course Outline: How To Make A Fanned Fret Guitar
1 Fan Fret Basics.fw 1
Fanned Fret Foundations

Beginning with a solid grasp on the fundamentals of scale length and other factors involved in the fanned fret system is key to developing a successful fanned fret guitar. The first section is dedicated to making these sometimes confusing concepts easy to understand on a practical level. 

2 Fan Fret Design.fw
Fanned Fret Guitar Design
Design choices such as choosing scale lengths and how to lay them out for the best sound and play-ability. Bracing changes are examined as well as compensation and other important design factors.
3 Layout.fw
Preparing The Fingerboard
Next Tom shows his methods for accurately marking the fret positions and string paths to prepare the fingerboard blank for cutting. This is where you will make the jump from designing on paper to actually making your fanned fret guitar fingerboard.
4 Cutting.fw
Fret Slotting Techniques
Unless we know how to accurately cut the fret slots then all our hard work and double checking would be in vein. Tom’s special techniques and secrets for making the fret slot cutting process much easier to do and more accurate.
5 Geometry.fw
Alignment And Headstock Angles
In order of the fanned fret guitar to be a successful project, the fingerboard must be properly aligned with the body in relation the desired bridge location. Tom shares his unique approach to ensuring precise alignment and bridge placement and also shares his techniques and approach to the unique headstock geometry resulting from the fanned fret arrangement.
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Materials & Resources
In the Fanned fret Guitar Course this section includes links to all material, tools and resources used by Tom to make his guitars and also those demonstrated int eh course itself.

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No need to scrub though long videos, with just a couple clicks you can find just the information you need and get back Cutting perfect dovetail joints for your guitars.

5 Video Sections

1 Resource Section

51 HD Quality Videos

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