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Guitar Inlay Instructional Video Course
*Included With Your Luthier’s EDGE membership
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Learn To Master Guitar Inlay Techniques
Quickly & Easily Learn How To Inlay Your Guitar For the First Time Or Refine Your Skills

“I still remember what it was like to attempt an inlay on my first guitar. I had no one to help me figure it out or show me what to do, and it was intimidating and scary …

If you’re feeling like that now then read on …

As a result of not having any guidance, the inlay process was difficult, stressful, and didn’t produce very good results.
Thankfully the story didn’t end there…

Over the years, I refined my techniques and now inlaying my guitars is not only enjoyable, but it really helps to elevate the guitars to a higher artistic level. I believe that understanding these simple techniques can help you do better inlay too. That’s exactly why I’ve created this new video guitar inlay video course!

In it, I explain the different techniques and tools – how to use them AND I clearly demonstrate every step for you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn guitar inlay for the first time, or to pick up some simple tricks to make the process you use now even easier and produce better results on your next guitar.”
– Tom Bills

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Course Outline: Guitar Inlay

Section 1 Getting Started
Getting Started
We will start by taking a look at some simple methods for transferring your inlay design to your material and the tools and setup needed for your guitar inlay project.
Section 2 Cutting Inlay
Inlay Cutting Techniques
Having the right tools might give you an advantage but being able to see the cutting technique demonstrated is the key to helping you make your inlay work easier to do and to getting better results.
Routing Inlay Pockets
Next Tom shows his methods for laying out the inlay on the guitar and tricks and tips for cutting and perfectly fitting the inlay pocket.
Section 4 Gluing Inlay
Gluing Inlay
In this section Tom explains and demonstrates the gluing process for easily and properly installing the inlay into the guitar and getting precise results.
Section 5 Engraving
After the inlay is glued in place Tom will demonstrate the preparation, layout, and engraving methods to give your inlay more detail and refinement.
Section 6 Final Sanding
Final Sanding
Final sanding of the inlay to complete the work followed by a list of tools and materials used by Tom in the course (tool and material links only active within course index page). There is also a link below to the included to the companion photo tutorial.
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Fretboard Inlay
In this section Tom explains and demonstrates the special applications and techniques for doing inlay on a radiused fretboard.
Want To Learn Techniques To Do Better Inlay Work?
Quickly & Easily Learn How To Inlay Your Guitar For the First Time Or Refine Your Skills
Mobile Friendly Videos To View Anytime Anyplace
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Videos Designed For Convenience & Easy Reference
Videos are delivered via our premium online streaming service in HD quality.

Videos are broken in to short bit sized pieces for better retention of material, more convenient viewing and to assist in easier future reference.

No need to scrub though long videos, with just a couple clicks you can find just the information you need and master the art of guitar inlay on your next guitar.

7 Video Sections

24 HD Quality Videos

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Start Learning To Master Guitar Inlay Today!

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