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Guitar Fretwork Mastery Part 1
Preparation & Installation

*Included With Your Luthier’s EDGE membership
Learn To Master The Fretwork On Your Next Guitar!
Guitar Fretwork Mastery is part 1 of a multi-part online video course designed to help you deliver
better playing, more stable, and more consistent fretwork on your guitars.

Guitar Fretwork Course - Tom Bills Master Luthier“If you’ve been building guitars for any length of time you probably know that the quality of the fretwork can make or break your guitar.

Even though your guitar might sound amazing, if your fretwork is NOT absolutely perfect, the great sound doesn’t really matter! The player won’t feel comfortable and it won’t become his favorite guitar.

I created this new course to give you my tricks, techniques, and secrets that I spent many years developing and perfecting, and that I still use on my guitars today with great results.

With these same techniques that I will be showing you, I have been able to meet and surpass my client’s expectations consistently from guitar to guitar, year after year, and even beat the PLEK on three different guitars tested over a three year period!

Here’s just a few things you will be learning in this course:

  • Preparation & Installation: Part 1 focuses solely on the preparation of the neck, fingerboard, fret slots, and frets; as well as the special techniques for installing the frets themselves.
  • Go Beyond Step-By-Step: The course is carefully and thoughtfully laid out to help you improve the fret work on your next guitar by going beyond just the typical step-by-step instruction, and explaining in simple terms the forces at play behind the scenes.
  • Improve Your Fretwork: By gaining a deeper understanding “WHY” as well as learning time-tested techniques and secrets, you’ll be empowered and better equipped to more easily and precisely prepare and install one of the most important parts of your guitar – THE FRETS.

I believe this will be a lot of fun and will help you build better and more playable guitars!“- Tom Bills – Master Luthier

Course Outline: Fretwork Mastery Part 1
1 intro
Getting Started
The quality of your fretwork can make or break the outcome of your guitar. In this section Tom gives you an overview of the tools and other import concepts in preparation for the following lessons.
2 Fretboard Prep
In this section Tom shares his steps to preparing the fret slots and other areas of the fingerboard to ensure the easiest radiusing and fret installation possible.
3 radius sanding
Radius Sanding
Mastering your fretwork starts with understanding how the fret-board behaves on a deeper level as well as accurately executing the radius both of which are covered in this section.
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Fretboard Engraving
Learn the unique considerations and techniques for getting better quality engraving work on the inlay in your fretboard prior to the final radius sanding.
5 sanding buffing
Fine Sanding/Buffing
This section teaches the final steps to preparing your fretboard for frets, to help ensure an easier installation process as well as a better looking and playing final setup.
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Fret Wire
Many luthier’s choose their fretwire based on size only, this section explains many other important concepts and considerations to help you choose just the right wire.
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Fret Preparation 1
In this section you will learn Tom’s tricks and techniques for the first phases of preparing the fret wire for an easy and smooth installation.
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Fret Preparation 2
Fret preparation continues in the section and cover more advanced techniques such as sizing the tangs to fit the fret slots for desired fret slot compression and more.
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Installing Frets 1
Learn about the tools and basic setup for installation Now that we laid the groundwork in the previous lesson, our fingerboard and frets are prepared and ready to install.
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Installing Frets 2
Like many aspects of guitar making, The key to properly installing frets lies in the subtleties of the technique. Here you’ll watch Tom demonstrate and explain his special techniques.
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Finishing Touches
Once the frets are in there are a few special tricks Tom will show you here that ensure better fret dressing and better long term stability and play-ability.
resources thumb
In this section Tom provides a detailed list of each tool and supply that he uses throughout the guitar fretwork mastery course for easy sourcing of important supplies.
Want To Learn Techniques To Do Better Fret Work?
Quickly & Easily Learn How To Improve the fretwork, Play-ability, & Set-up Of Your Next Guitar.
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